Barney's Second Coming
CONTENTS: 1) Body Building Exercises 2) Xmas 2007 3a) Scripting the Torso
Body Building Exercises
Ever since I can't remember when, I've had an artist's mannequin - a little wooden jointed man that artists use to pose for them. I called him Barney, a name that's a story-in-a-story! - he has no ambitions as yet but by the end of the year all that might change.
Unfortunately, during my two office moves, I've mis-laid the CD with the file containing his DNA script,
But I have the original drawings and measurements and various copies of the 3D script printed on paper with lots of red-penned corrections and notes attached, but nothing is dated, so I have no idea when he first turned his summersault, or in what order the alterations and notes were made. But that's not really very important.
So I have to copy out the four pages of paper hard-copy that I used for making proposed improvements (thank goodness I’ve still have those!)
It seems a shame to lose the opportunity to write about his experience of being re-built, so there will be piece every few days focusing on how he is developing. And I’m starting today (April 09'18).
I suppose losing his script was quite good in that I’ve learned a lot about programming since he was born which I can build into his new structure. I like writing 3D scripts nearly as much as I do hand-drawing - largely because it makes me work out how objects relate one to another in three dimensions. We live, by nature a very TWO dimensional life and I love any exercise (and drawing does it too) that will force my instincts to see past the 2D framework they've been trained to exist in.
This picture which I'm using as an anatomical map of how his individual parts fit together; to locate the 3D scripts as I complete them, is one of the first pictures I made of him: Brave, Ready for everything! The Very Model of a Modern Male Mannequin
So Barney SHALL walk again! And maybe a girl-friend too?
I’ve slipped in a picture of the 2007 Christmas Card that featured Barney the Mannequin; that was his first public outing, although he was originally scripted back in 2005!
So here then is the first Body-Part, The Torso. This is just the basic shape, it still has to have his chest flattened and circular recesses for his neck and waist (and later I shall have to think about his heart – where will that reside?)
Picture 4 is the sheet where I have drawn the 2D profile that gets rotated in 3D to make his turned body, the measurements taken from the original wooden figure are drawn with precision (the computer sniffs out inaccuracies!) and in a way that can be transferred directly into the 3D script so that the program can create its virtual version of the drawing.
In this component there was one drawing element that needed to be ‘constructed’ from the other known elements – I’ve marked it on the Picture 4 drawing with a red outline.
I thought it right that even the ‘tricky’ bits of his make-up should be transparent and properly explained ‘from first principles’ so that's what Picture 5 is - the construction of an intermediary circle to touch two others tangentially (which also goes to supplement the 'Geometric Constructions' gallery)
The lucky mannequin is going to know himself so well by the time he's complete!
Barney's Torso is created from a template shaped to half his Torso's profile (colouerd area) wich is then rotatedbound the X axis to become his 3D self
His flattened chest is made by cutting away a section of the 3D curve with a 3D box
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congratulations - a public platform at last.