Reflections & Shadows - Honouring the autobiographical book of that name by Saul Steinberg and his friend AldoBuzzi
Green Type Indicates a New Entry
CONTENT: 1) UrbanRockpool - 03 1) Urban Rockpool - 02, 1)Urban Rockpool - 01
2) BigBang byFoscarini
POSTED 190411
The H2O composition is not as complicated as it appears
The proportions of the whole image ABCD and the access cover JKLM are identical (see the diagonal DB that's common to both - and which also neatly locates the similar proportioned area containin the Gas valve)
To be continued . . . . .
1) UrbanRockpool - 02
Tarnished leaves from love-sick trees leave black lace memories of summer's carefree green affair.
The pools are formed by tiny discrepancies in the level of the individual granite squares; the outer, inward sloping slabs forming triangular mirrors where the rain collected
301017, Paddington Basin
2) BigBang by Foscarini
Created "Out of Chaos" in 2005 by the designers Enrico Franzelini & Vincente Garcia Jiminez for the Italian lighting company Foscarini.
Its irregular plastic structure cleverly creates an appearance of explosion of light in the centre - the BigBang that created our univers out of Chaos.
Enrico Franzelini was Born in 1952 in Udine inNorthern Italy . He graduated in architecture at the University of Venice & in 1978 his first personal exhibition at Plurima Gallery in Udine marked the beginning of his interest in minimal architecture, but at the same time he became interested in interior and product design.
Vicente Garcia Jimenez was born in Valencia in Spain in 1978. He Graduated in Industrial Design at the faculty of Castellon de la Plana, and after stops here and there, ended up in Udine too, setting up a studio there.
I want to carry out a number of reflection exercises on this model; pretending the panels mirrors, the xercise will attempt to show how each panel reflects in its neighbbours (and then, possibly, the figured walls of the room in which it exists.
But before that can be achieved I need to work out the 3D location-in-space of each panel
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congratulations - a public platform at last.