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THE ALPHAMORIC ZOO (A-Z)  where all the fauna are created out of the letters that make up their own names!   


CONTENTS:  1) Spratts Dog, 2)Spratts Fish

1) Spratt's Dog

ImageRef: Spratt'sDog.jpg

POSTED: 180411

James Spratt (?–1880) was an electrician and lightning-rod salesman from Cincinitti-Ohio who became the first to manufacture dog-biscuits and other products for canines on a worldwide scale circa 1860. The creation of Spratt's brainchild – the "Patented Meat Fibrine Dog Cake" – was inspired after his observation of street dogs devouring 'shipshardtack' on the docks of Liverpool. His company was established in Holborn, London and his first dog cake, a concoction of blended wheat meals, vegetables, beetroot and meat, was prepared and baked on the premises of Walker, Harrison and Garthwaite, a firm which then claimed to have baked the first dog biscuit! Spratt was not only the first to manufacture pet foods but the first to farm out his production. His "Dog Cakes" were initially sold to English country gentlemen for their sporting dogs.

In conjunction with Spratt's operation, the first colored display billboard was erected on a retail store in London depicting a Native American buffalo hunt (the alleged meat source of Spratt's "Meat Fibrine") Spratt was always secretive about the meat source for his product, and, after selling the company, retained the contract for supplying the meat probably until his death in 1880. In 1885, Spratt's Patent, Limited, an English public company, was registered and continued the manufacture of dog food.   

2) Spratt's Fish

ImageRef: Spratt'sfish.jpg

POSTED 180411

Spratt's was one of the most heavily marketed brands in the early 20th century, with product recognition developed through logo display, lifestyle advertising, and support through devices such as cigarette cards

The former factory is located in Poplar in east London and is a well-preserved site with about 150 live-work units called the Spratts Complex. Much of the original markings are visible on the buildings, with names painted on the DLR track-side walls, and on the small chimney visible from Morris Road.